Heating Oil
Carlisle Petroleum has been providing heating oil to homes and businesses in the greater Carlisle area for over 40 years. Ordering has never been easier, just click on the Customer Login tab. Check out current prices on the Get Oil Prices tab or give us a call with any questions you may have. We can provide heating oil tank replacements, fuel delivery and oil furnace installation, repair and maintenance. We can provide a no-cost estimate and discuss options to maintain your whole home comfort.
Oil Storage Tanks
May be safely located inside or outside your home and will last for years to come. Oil is non-explosive while in liquid form, non-toxic and biodegradable. Storage tanks should be inspected for leaks; fills and vents should be kept clean and in working order.
The driver should be able to hear a whistle while filling the tank, this is the air pushing out while the oil is going in. Safety is a priority at Carlisle Petroleum our drivers are trained to look for potential problems.
We will not fill tanks that do not produce a whistle while filling if the air cannot escape the tank could build pressure and burst. We will be happy to schedule a technician to repair the problem, our flat rate pricing ensures you know the cost up-front.
We Offer Automatic Delivery
Automated heating oil to ensure your home stays warm all winter. We have decades of experience analyzing data using weather degree days and your usage pattern to provide you with an uninterrupted fuel supply.
With analysis, we can also alert customers to potential problems with efficiency and operation of their heating equipment.
What are Degree Days?
A degree day compares the mean or average of hi and low temperatures for a given day and location. The standard in the US is 65 °, the temp at which no heat or cooling is usually required.
The colder the mean temperature the higher the number of degree days. For example, an outside temperature of 40° F will be 25 heat degree days for the day. At Carlisle Petroleum we analyze this data to ensure auto fuel customers maintain a sufficient supply of heating oil.
Unforeseen factors can affect the analysis such as operation issues with the equipment or a change in how customers adjust their thermostats. Installing a programmable thermostat can keep consumption of heating oil consistent and predictable throughout the heating season.

Delivery & Payment Options

Automatic Delivery
Automatic delivery is available Heating Oil and Propane. As a credit approved automatic delivery customer you are guaranteed priority delivery and 24 hour emergency service is available at current rates. We will calculate your consumption and deliver on an automatic basis. Serving Cumberland County and portions of Perry and Franklin counties.

12 Easy Monthly
We can automatically deduct your monthly budget payment from a debit or credit card. With autopay we deduct .02¢ per gallon delivered, payments must be current to receive discounts. You choose a date between the 1st and 15th of each month for your payment. Any balance due at the end of April must be paid By May 15th. Credit balances will be rolled into the next plan year to reduce monthly payments. Service and Efficiency Agreements may also be included in your monthly budget payment. We offer an annual precision furnace tune-up and a 15% discount on service parts and labor. Contact us at 717.245.2382 for more Details.

Will Call Delivery
You may call us for a delivery of heating oil, diesel or propane. Your delivery will be scheduled as we receive them, to be delivered the next time we are in your area. We offer delivery to Carlisle, Boiling Springs, Mt Holly Springs, Gardners, Mechanicsburg, Newville, Walnut Bottom, Plainfield, Shippensburg, Dillsburg and Shermans Dale.
For Emergency Services Call 717.245.2382